Hosted by Iron Eagle Island.
Weekend 13+ $25
12 and Under Free
Family Cap is $75 (covers 5 family members)
Day trip: $15
Prices include Saturday breakfast.
To be announced.
If you are interested in vending, please contact Dorothy Rotter.
Your autocrat team is:
Megan Speece
Kori Speece
Dorothy Rotter
Jeremiah Rotter
Dave Arnold
Maxine Guenther
Donwenna La Mareschale
News About This Event
Capitán de Ventura Samuel Archer de Venecia, Primus Civitus of Hrafn Halda, asks for your support for the Crown at Crown War.
Eydis "Red-Eye" Hringerskaldskapr, Thane of Iron Eagle Island who is hosting Crown War this year, shares some helpful information about the new site for Crown War this year.
Yaga announces a Field Butchering class at Crown War 2019.
Vego Strigoi, responds to Sam Archer’s bid for Crown.
Iron Eagle Island, the hosting Fiefdom for Crown War, announces the Albryniaðr Leika (Armored Olympics) to be held at this event.
John De la Vale offers a challenge of chivalry at Crown War.
Capitán de Ventura Samuel Archer de Venecia, Primus Civitus of Hrafn Halda, announces his intention to contend for the Crown at Crown War.
Eydis "Red-Eye" Hringerskaldskapr, Thane of Iron Eagle Island who is hosting Crown War this year, announces the Bardic Competition.
Ylva “Waffles” Twomey announces a class on largesse to be held at Crown War.
Eydis "Red-Eye" Hringerskaldskapr, Thane of Iron Eagle Island who is hosting Crown War this year, advises what to do if you’re interested in teaching classes at Crown War.
- Posted in Crown Events
- Tagged Kingdom, Crown War, Iron Eagle Island