Here, you will find documentation resources relevant to our Game. The first section, Kingdom Documents, is specific to the Kingdom of Ardesca within the Empire; the second section Branch Lord Resources contains the information every branch lord should be familiar with; while the third section, EMP Rules and Documents, applies to the entire Empire of Medieval Pursuits as an organization and society and all Kingdoms or entities within.

While the average Citizen who comes to events to enjoy themselves may only need a cursory understanding of the contents of these documents, those who serve as Branch Lords, run or host events, participate in combat events, run guilds, or other forms of deeper involvement should really invest the time to read these documents thoroughly and understand them.

Kingdom Documents

These documents are specific to the Kingdom of Ardesca. All of these rules operate within the broader guidelines of the Empire of Medieval Pursuits.

If you are new to the Kingdom, we recommend all Citizens read through and become familiar with the Charter of Ardesca in particular.

Charter of Ardesca

The Charter of Ardesca informs our intent, operations, and actions as a Kingdom.

Knights of the Phoenix Charter

The Knights of the Phoenix Charter informs the intent, operations, and actions of the Knightly Order in the Kingdom of Ardesca — our group of Knighted individuals.

Hands of the Phoenix Charter

The Hands of the Phoenix Charter informs the intent, operations, and actions of the Generative Order in the Kingdom of Ardesca

Branch Lord Resources

Before we get into this too deeply: All of these resources live in Google Drive.

  • If you are the Lord or Lady of a branch, a folder should be shared with you called “Documents for Lords”. When viewing Google Drive, look for the main tab “Shared with me”, and then you should see a folder shared with you titled “Documents for Lords”.

  • This page only serves as a web-friendly interface to call your attention to the most important forms you’ll find in that location.

  • If you are a Lord or Lady of a branch and do not have access to this folder, contact the Royal Steward.

  • If you are not a Lord or Lady of a branch, and/or do not have access to that folder, you may receive errors when attempting to view some of these articles. Speak to the Lord or Lady of your branch if you feel you have a need to get a copy of anything.

Resources of Note

Help Articles for Lords

Empire Documents

This page contains only a list of links to resources that are housed and maintained on the Empire of Medieval Pursuits’ separate website at, as these documents inform how the EMP as an organization operates. These rules apply to any Kingdom within the Empire.

Each link in this section will open a new window to a document on the EMP site. When you do so, you are leaving the Kingdom of Ardesca website to view content which is not maintained by the Web Team of Ardesca.



If you intend to participate in any combat activity within the Kingdom or the Empire, the first three documents below are required reading in order to participate in combat within our Game.


Conventions of Combat

Required reading for fighters.

The pursuit of excellence in combat arts was central to virtually every ancient culture as its future often depended on its warriors. Throughout the history of armored combat, non-lethal war games have been considered an essential element of training those warriors. The EMP is no different and endeavors to foster those traditions and skills in the relative safety of a Behordium like tradition. The EMP provides a loosely structured environment for its adherents to expand their knowledge and skills at “combat”. Hereafter are the current rules and guidelines for combat with the Empire of Medieval Pursuits.

Rattan Combat Rules

Required reading for fighters.

This document outlines the definitions of armor and arms, provides armor rules, and weapon construction rules.

Steel Cut and Thrust Combat Rules

Required reading for fighters.

These rules are meant to establish a minimum set of standards for Cut and Thrust Combat within the Empire of Medieval Pursuits. While these rules are set to help promote safe steel combat, they do not take away from common sense, judgment and individual concern for the safety of the participants involved in this activity. It should be standard practice to always be aware of one’s personal safety and never commit to an action that will knowingly compromise the safety of one’s opponent. Further, these rules are designed to augment foundational theories of swordplay and duelism. The Empire encourages practitioners to study the manuals, period sources, and from knowledgeable citizens, to help rediscover the western martial traditions.


Branch Structure

The individual branches of the Empire are designed to be as versatile as possible, allowing each group of individuals to customize their branch as much as possible. Their name, heraldry, and events are themed to their culture and time period. All of these groups can easily be accommodated by the structure of branches within the Empire. The Empire shall be organized as a feudal hierarchical society. Following are the rules regarding Branches within the Empire.

Rules of Challenge

Two of the foundational pillars of life within the Empire are personal responsibility and being excellent to one another. However, occasionally members find themselves in opposition to each other with no means of redressing their differences other than outright combat. In these cases the Empire provides the option of Challenge. Upon winning a Challenge one member or branch may enforce their will upon another regarding a single issue. This Law is enacted to provide energy and harmony within the Empire and to foster the concepts of personal responsibility and feudalism.