As a feudal society, the Kingdom of Ardesca is comprised of multiple fiefdoms within the Kingdom. Some of these are grouped or allied into larger counties/duchies (learn more about the requirements of those here), while the rest are simply independent fiefdoms within the Kingdom.

This page showcases all of the active fiefdoms within Ardesca, starting with our Counties and Duchies and then moving on to the Independent Fiefdoms. Click each heraldry to find out more about the Fiefdom, County, or Duchy.

The Duchy of Stormhold || Caliphate of al-Madeena || Independent Fiefdoms of Ardesca

Physical Locations in the Mundane Realm

A commonly asked question is:

“What Fiefdom is closest to my physical location?”

First, it’s important to know that, unlike in other Medieval reenactment games, your physical location in relation to those of Fiefdoms or Kingdoms does not dictate which Fiefdom or Kingdom you must join. You are free to join any Fiefdom, so long as its Lords and members will have you…or remain At-Large.

With that in mind, each Fiefdom listing will display a map of where it’s located. Or, you can view this map which will roughly pin the location where each Fiefdom is based in the Mundane Realm, with a link back to its page on this website.


 The County Estates of al-Madeena