Kingdom of Ardesca Branch Survey
If you are the Lord or Lady serving as a Head of Branch (or County), please complete this Google Form to inform the Royal Chronicler.
Information Needed
Be prepared to provide as much as possible of the following details:
Name of branch*
Branch level*
Date you elevated to that level (lvls 2-3 only)*
Number of paid/active members
Chosen branch title (based on level)*
Description of your branch (appears on this website)*
Date branch founded*
Event branch was approved
Name of monarch who approved the branch*
Persona name of Lord and/or Lady*
Date the Lord and/or Lady was elevated*
Whether your Branch has a Co-Lord/Lady*
Persona name of Co-Lord/Lady*
Date the Co-Lord/Lady was elevated*
Name of your Branch’s annual event*
Names and dates of past events if available
Notable timeline events
Former Lords/Ladies of branch
Link to Charter*
Link to website or online presence*
Dissolution date (if no longer active)
Details with an asterisk(*) denote required items to file the form.
When to Use This Form
Some examples of when to use this form:
You have just formed a new branch.
You have a change to your Head(s) of Branch: a new Lord and/or Lady has stepped up to replace a predecessor.
Your branch has been elevated in level. You’ll find these levels defined within the EMP Branch Rules and Counties of Ardesca documents.
Why This Information Is Needed
The history of the Kingdom of Ardesca is a rich one, and it deserves to be recorded. The Office of the Royal Chronicler is tasked with maintaining a record of our living history. One of the pieces of our history that changes the most often is the current status, and history, of our noble Fiefdoms. Filing this survey whenever there is a major change to your branch helps the Royal Chronicler ensure the the history of your branch is accurate.
This information may be displayed here on the website, as well as in our wiki.