Karma Legio Releases Ceret to Form Elympos

— by Karma Legio on Facebook

It is with great joy that Karma Legio release Ceret Figula Marinus to submit her charter to His Majesty Vego and thus create a new Fief within Ardesca! We are proud to have provided a creative and supportive haven for many years for Ceret to truly blossom within our community and take her place among the House of Lords! Huzzah!




🔱 ᚴᛆᚱᛘᛆ᛫ᛚᛂᚵᛁᚮ 🔱

Tierany Seriflame & Stigrúnr Viðarsson,

Lords Co-Consul,

🔱 Karma Legio 🔱