Editor’s Notes:
As a reminder, the following addresses the Ardesca House of Lords. As such, it is only open to comment by Lords/Ladies (heads) of branches. If you are not a Lord but wish your objections or comments to be heard, please petition the Head(s) of your Branch to speak on your behalf on this matter.
The currently active charter is found here.
— by Her Royal Majesty Aloya Menher, addressing the House of Lords on Facebook here and here
Unto the Lords and Ladies of the Empire does Her Majesty Aloya Menher send greetings.
In the pinned post above you will find a link to the Ardesca Charter updates that I am enacting as per my right as Monarch of this Realm.
You, Lords and Ladies of Ardesca, have the sacred duty to weigh these words and consider if you can support them; or if you feel that you must call for an objection. Per the rules of the Empire and the current Charter of Ardesca you have 30 days in which to call for and second, a vote for veto. With this timeline in mind, anything not called for a vote by Tuesday June 18, 2019 will continue into law. Anything needing to be voted on will be placed on the Ragnaroc Annual Meeting docket for discussion and vote, Sunday morning.
I am presenting this to document to you in it's entirety for easy reading. However, it is my intention that each point is considered on it's individual merits and drawbacks. Unlike the US congress, I will not be burying hidden agenda items into this document. If there are points that must be vetoed, I will accept them in the following format.
"I, Lord High Muckety of Barony of Bilgewater call for a vote on Section 3.A. "
This will call for a vote on the entire A section, but not 3B, 3C.3,D etc.
Following that another Lord who agrees with your position will in turn respond with,
"I, Countess Carebear of the County of Bubbles second this motion."
Items that are unchanged are not subject to veto as I am not making any changes to them.
The sections I am removing are stricken and the new verbiage is in red. I have made a few notes as to my thoughts in places, these will not be placed in the charter, but are for your reference and understanding of my intentions.
Many of the changes are merely an effort to clarify what has already been written. Some are more dynamic. Please bear in mind that my goal is to clarify points of contention that have come up throughout the reign, simplify portions of the charter that we have experimented with and come to new understandings of our community and capture the essence of what we have striven for within the Empire. The spirit of creation, cooperativeness and fun that we all seek!
In Service,
Aloya Menher
Silver Phoenix