Class Offerings for Rebellion2

— by Uno Lawspeaker on Facebook

Greetings citizens of Ardesca!

As Rebellion approaches, we announce the class offerings for the event. All times TBD, all offerings will be offered both days, times TBD and will be announced at gate. If you are attending and would like to offer a class, please contact me directly or comment, tagging me in the post.

Bushcraft Basics: Fire for Cooking, Fire for survival

with Uno Lawspeaker, Savage Lands

Uno will take students through the basics of making fire and introduce fundamentals of fire making. The class will discuss basic fire safety, types of woods and when to use them, scavenging wood, and how to prepare fire for cooking versus fire for warmth and survival.

Buschraft Basics: oilcloth and wool in shelter building

with Uno Lawspeaker, Savage Lands

Uno will discuss methods of shelter building using oil cloth tarps and wool blankets for bedding, providing historical context for the basic shelters of the Savage Lands. We will discuss the basic trekking kit for long-hunters of various iron and bronze age and earlier cultures.

Mathematics of the Golden Ratio

with Josh Hogg, Clan Volos

Instructor will discuss the mathematics and application of the golden ratio across cultures from the middle ages to modern applications.

Yours in Service,

Uno Lawspeaker

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