Our Reenactment Resources page contains a list of merchants and vendors that are favorites by our community of EMP members.
All listings are subject to approval, rejection, or removal at any time by the Crown or the Web Team.
For EMP Members
If you are an active and paid member of the Empire of Medieval Pursuits within the Kingdom of Ardesca, we pride ourselves on supporting our own, and we invite you to request a listing using the Contact page. Make sure to set the Purpose field on the form correctly.
For Non-EMP or Kingdom of Ardesca Members
We are not accepting listing requests directly from outside merchants or vendors at this time.
In order to be listed, we must receive a request by an EMP and Kingdom member in good standing who has done business with you, and will offer positive testimonial to goods or services rendered by you.
If a member wishes to do so, they may use our Contact page to submit the form.
Information Needed
To list a merchant or vendor, the Web Team requests the following information:
Name of merchant/vendor or business
URLs to where the goods/services can be found. Ex: website, Etsy shop, Facebook Page/Group.
Banner/thumbnail photo, and logo graphic, if available, on hand when the Web Team replies.
Description of what kinds of goods or services are offered.
Testimonial! Tell the Kingdom why you love this merchant and why you want to share the love.
Don’t request to add a merchant you’ve never done business with. There are a myriad of merchants we’ve heard are good. We want to showcase those merchants that you’ve personally purchased from and will vouch for.
Don’t request to add random listings from Amazon or other major mainstream shopping sites. There are several reasons for this:
These listings can be very impermanent.
We’re aiming to promote small shops and creative talent, preferably handmade goods!
Most of these items are mass-produced and of poor quality and materials.
Favor and highlight excellent period and historically-accurate resources, not “costume” pieces, when you can. There are extraordinary costume pieces out there, and while the EMP is not a stickler when it comes to “historically accurate” (indeed excellent costumes play a role in many of our popular activities), the goal of the Reenactment Resources page is to help you up your reenactment game. Moving members towards a more historically accurate garb and kit is in the right direction for this goal.
Just use the form on the Contact page to engage the Web Team when you have all of your information ready to go! Be sure to set the Purpose field accurately.