Hosted by Hus Vali
16673 N Trails End Rd. Rathdrum, ID 83858
Sept 3rd,4th, and 5th will we, the Emerald Phoenix, hold a crown war in which Count Rekkr SilverBoar competes against Syr Derek and Tayissa Azra, First Citizen vie for the Phoenix Crown.
The site will once again be at Hus Vali
site opens 7am Friday morning.
site fee is $15 for camping.
$10 for day tripping
Winds of War tokens will be given to tourney winners at Armistice.
Armistice tourneys will be…
1) Rattan Format decided that day
2) C&T Format decided that day.
3) A&S will be by populace choice no documentation is needed.
Winners of each tourney will be given Winds of War tokens to give to their Lord/Lady or if they wish give to the contender that they wish to back as the next crown personally.
Friday on site at crown war, there will also be the same 3 tourneys for Winds of War tokens.
Saturday each Army will announce themselves and as to who they wish to back for the crown as they enter the field of honor.
Saturday night will be the coronation of our heirs.
Additionally, there will be a Chili Potluck to celebrate the continued growth and health of the Kingdom! Chili and other sundries will be provided, please bring sides, desserts and beverages.
Sunday will be the HOL Meeting at our heir’s discretion.