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Barbarian Bash 2019

  • Upper Gumboot Lake United States (map)

Hosted by The Savage Lands. See also the Barbarian Bash Facebook Page for more information.

The Savage Lands welcomes all who wish to test their skills in the Savage arts and Barbarian Olympics! Test you dexterity and might, learn the skills of our ancestors and train near the fire mountain, the Great Maw! Join us for a weekend of fighting, feasting, training, and teaching!

Site Directions

  1. From Mt. Shasta city, head west on Lake Street over the freeway and to the stop sign at Old Stage Road.

  2. Turn left (south) and drive 1/4 mile to a fork in the road. Stay to the right at the fork and continue on this road (W.A. Barr Road).

  3. In 2 miles, you will cross the dam at Lake Siskiyou. Keep driving around the lake, past the entrance to the Lake Siskiyou Camp Resort.

  4. Continue on this paved road (Forest Route 26) for approximately 10 miles.

  5. The road follows the canyon of the South Fork of the Sacramento River. It is narrow in places so use caution and watch of on coming vehicles.

  6. When you reach a fork in the road, take the road to the left 1/2 mile to Gumboot Lake.



Arrive and set up. As individuals arrive, they receive a site token. Non members pay $5.

4:00pm: Blanket Tournament (For those who make it early and want to do something): Fee for entry is an item to be used as a prize. First place gets first choice. All participants walk away with an item from the blanket.

Dusk: Opening Moot; the Krieger will be accompanied by the Chiefs, Mogur, and Champion. Will address first the opening of the event and make comments about things that need to be addressed before the weekend is to commence.

As merriment continues, challenges will be issued to Krieger and mogur for Havanas trials.

Boasting competition: Each who is willing to do say may make their best true boast. If a boast is found to be un true they are disqualified. The winning boast fights with the Kriegers favor (To be decided)


10:00am: general breakfast wake up call will be made so people know to start moving about.

12:00pm: The Barbarian Olimpics!

  • 1st challenge: Throwing stones; must hit pine cone

  • 2nd: tomahawk target

  • 3rd: archery challenge

  • 4th: crafting (resting challenge)

  • 5th: relay across the lake

Lunch will be as individuals feel the need to eat

After competition, fighting

With numbers: chiefs or champion candidates lead scorpion teams against each other.
Without numbers: combat archery tournament; each archer gets three arrows, arrows can be used to resurrect the dead to form a team, or gleamed and kept.

The Dance of the Cailleach: mixed weapons

Champion tournament

armored march to the rock for personal challenges and pick ups

After fighting, Moot for awards and Remarks from the Krieger.

Merriment and drinking games


Nurse the wounds and Hangovers, teach classes.


  • Herbology

  • Basic combat form

  • Basic Human tracking

  • Fire making

  • Basic metal forming

  • How to build a structure