Training Day
to Mar 9

Training Day

Aveloc Twiceborn has graciously agreed to visit the Village of Marshfield and Lionheart Crusaders for a training weekend.

Food plan may be an option if there is interest.

Primitive camping is available.

Rough schedule:

Friday night: weapons building techniques workshop

Saturday: training focusing on sword, shield, and polearm techniques

Sunday morning: recap

Gate Fee: $20 for training day, $30 for the whole weekend.

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Christian deXavier

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11:30 AM11:30

Al-Madeena Hafla

Join us for the Al-Madeena Hafla, our annual celebration of Silk Road traditions, where the day is packed with action, learning, and lively entertainment! This year, we’re returning to the beautiful Vasa Hall in Issaquah, offering a stunning venue for a full schedule of events. The day will feature exciting fighting tournaments, hands-on classes, and a special tea time with the Countess for those looking to relax and socialize. Afterward, the evening will come alive with vibrant performances, delicious food, and unforgettable entertainment!

Event Highlights:

•Daytime Activities: Start the day off with exciting fighting and classes, where you can hone your skills or learn something new.

•Feast of Silk Road Delights: After the day’s activities, indulge in a sumptuous feast featuring a variety of dishes inspired by the flavors and traditions of the Silk Road. Your gate fee includes the feast, with an array of culinary delights that will transport your taste buds to distant lands.

•Silent Auction: Featuring a selection of unique treasures and handcrafted artwork.

•Main Event: The Hafla celebration begins as the sun sets! Enjoy an evening of vibrant belly dancing, mesmerizing live music, enchanting bards, and much more. Experience the magic of traditional performances, live entertainment, and the warm spirit of community.

Whether you're here for the fighting, the food, or the festivities, the Al-Madeena Hafla promises to be a night to remember.

Mark your calendars, don’t miss out on this spectacular event, and we’ll see you at the Vasa Hall in Issaquah!

Gate Fee: $20 for 13 and up

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Countess Dagni

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to May 4

The Siege II: The Spice Wars

As proclaimed by Countess Dagni of Al-Madeena during Yule, the County of Al-Madeena will march upon Nox Aeterna once the snows melt to avenge the tragic loss of the Al-Madeena Spice Company caravan. This vital caravan, carrying precious spices, was ambushed and destroyed under mysterious circumstances.

In response, Lord Griffith of Nox Aeterna defends his realm, claiming his “spice miners” work hard. But we know this is a lie. Nox Aeterna’s spice trade is built on pillaging and theft, not honest mining. Lord Griffith’s so-called miners are nothing more than raiders, driven by greed.

Our seer has foretold that the snow will melt between May 2nd and May 4th, 2025, the perfect time for us to strike. We will march to Sedro-Wooley, Nox Aeterna’s stronghold, and bring justice to those responsible for the death of our people.

Gate Fee: Weekend $25 for ages 13 and up, Saturday only $15 for ages 13 and up

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Countess Dagni

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8:00 AM08:00

Marshfield Spring Court

The Village of Marshfield will be holding our quarterly Manorial Court for the spring season. As part of court business we will allow any Villein to attempt their PFT to join the Militia or challenge for Men of Iron. As this is an odd numbered year, the Village Council will bring forth their top three candidates for Bailiff. We will also have our typical pot luck, so come hungry!

We have the Timberframe Pavilion reserved all day, from 8am-6pm. Please note that this is a DRY site. More details to come.

Gate Fee: Free

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Christian deXavier

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4:00 PM16:00

Wanderers of the Flame Candlelight Ball 2025

An evening of refined merriment and enchantment. Don thy finest attire and join us as we dance the night away beneath the warm glow of countless candles. Attend live performances of music and professional storytelling. Stay and enjoy dinner with a show by the graceful and talented Blue Phoenix Menagerie. The revelry will be accompanied by finely brewed drinks from the Brewers guild and a hearty hot stew to chase away the winter chill.

We encourage people to bring their best Medieval Costume. We do ask that you avoid glitter in your costuming. There will be ample onsite parking.

This event will be hosting with the Brewers Guild. To participate in alcohol consumption, participants must be over 21 and ID will be required at gate.

Doors will open at 1pm for any folks who want to do a meet and greet before functions begin at 3pm. The event will wrap up at 9pm.

Link to the Itinerary:

Link to RSVP:

**Please note that RSVPing will be closed January 1st, 2025.**

For further information, Please follow the link to our Website:

Gate Fee: $25, children under 13 - Free

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Ava Amanita or Brianna Ralls

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6:00 PM18:00

Al-Madeena Social & Trivia Night

Afternoon and evening filled with pub style history themed trivia games, food, and whatever shenanigans Countess Dagni can come up with. This will be a potluck event, so please bring a side dish and/or beverages. The Countess will provide the main dish.

Gate Fee: free admission

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Countess Dagni

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Winter Solstice Vigil
to Dec 22

Winter Solstice Vigil

  • SkullKrusher Mountain (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will keep the heath fires burning as we vigil for the longest night. Early the next morning, we will drum up the early sun. Yðunn (current proxy lord for the Abbey in Lord Kane's absence) is challenging Lord Kane for proper lordship as he will have returned to Washington.

Gate Fee: Free

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Emilia Sunderland

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Yule Gathering at the Forge
to Dec 22

Yule Gathering at the Forge

  • 1027 Martling Road Albertville, AL, 35951 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A potluck gathering at the Forge to celebrate the coming winter, feasting, fighting and making merry!

Site is at our home. We have space for camping for anyone wishing to do so. This option will be open by request Friday and Sunday night as well, if desired. Restroom and showers available in the house. We aren't doing actual pre-reg as the date is already late. Just let me know you are coming. If you need indoor accommodations please get with me ASAP as space is VERY limited.

Gate Fee: $5 adults

Facebook Event Page

Contact: Lord Bayan

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A Silk Road Supper
2:00 PM14:00

A Silk Road Supper

Storytelling & Singing: We gather to visit, celebrate the passing of the season, and make a joyful noise. Attendees should bring their instruments, story telling devices, or portable projects they are working on.

Dining: Inspired by the width, breadth and variety of tastes along the Silk Road at its height. Attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish, so there is food for all to enjoy.

Merchant Exchange: A gift exchange to showcase the talents of our members. Attendees wanting to participate should bring a handcrafted (handmade or altered by hand) item that is wrapped in plain brown paper. (Similar to a white elephant exchange.)

Trading Blanket: An opportunity for attendees trade items with those who may have something you need in exchange for items you no longer have a use for.

Gate Fee: Free

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Jarl Keillarra

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to Sep 2

Barbarian Bash 2024

  • The Jingles Estate (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This is the annual event held by the Savage Lands. This is to celebrate the fighting season and to plan the next. There will be era appropriate camping, fighting, and merriment. This will be held in a new location since the old location was plagued with fires.

Gate Fee: Free (donations are welcome to help pay for bivvys)

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Mongo Walruuk Mogur of the Savage Lands

Bring food, bring gear/armor. Pack in pack out.

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9:00 AM09:00

EMP Demo of Living History, Storytelling, Fighting, & Weapons

Living History Demo All-day Performance at the Newport Library Renaissance Fair.

Gate Fee: Free. Contact Jarl Keillarra to be added to Gate List.

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Jarl Keillarra

Site set-up is at at 8:00 am Saturday, May 11th. Audrheim and Friends will be on site from 10 am - 5 pm to interact with fairegoers as we, and they, roam the faire. There will be a scheduled fight & weapons demo during the day for all interested EMP fighters over the age of 16 (with appropriate waivers and permissions signed). All EMP members are encouraged to bring examples of Arts & Sciences to display in the encampment and to chat with audience about the "why's, how-to's etc." of the displays, projects, time period and so on; and in general promote the EMP. You are also encouraged to bring drums and instruments for impromptu "jam circles". Finally, Audrheim will also be telling "fractured fairytale" type stories that may involve improv acting from those members of all ages interested in participating.

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to May 5

Solara Coronet War

  • Possum Trot Christian Camp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

War for the Coronet of Solara between Count Sir Rekkr Silverboar & Lady Brandshi ni Clarsha vs Lord Sir Captain John MacFingone.

Saturday and Sunday will be an extra event with Free Company of Marius and Dawn's Larp for geeky gaming fun. Fees for the questing are extra for Dawn's Larp. For EMP, Sat will host tournaments and fighting college.

Gate Fee: $30

Event Facebook Page

Contact: Vashti Freyasdottr

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to Apr 1

Spring Thing Celebration

  • Wildcat Hollow Farm (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fighting, Archery, Clout Shoot, Caber Toss

Special Note: Merchants welcome, no merchant fee. Trade blankets encouraged. (if you make it, craft it, or dont need it anymore ~ buy, sell, barter, trade)

Special Merchant: Ozark Viking Meadery

SITE NOTES: Site is primitive. Portable potties available. Firewood is available and free. Potable Water available. Cell reception is non-existent (wifi at the house is for emergency use). Animals welcome (on leash). Site is NOT dry, and very drum friendly. Note – We are a working farm, and have Dogs (they are friendly babies).....

Gate Fee: $35 at the gate, $30 pre-registration at (Please include mundane and persona names for pre-registration)

Contact: Lady Margareth Adler von Erlvang

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